Friday, April 15, 2011

Bringing it All Together

It this point in my ethnography project it is time to tie all the elements together. After reading FeildWriting: From down draft to up draft I realized that this stage of my project is really all about organization. Not everything is necessarily going to flow together when joining pieces together. So, it is important to stick with it because it could take sometime to find the right pieces that will work well together. The second reading, Revising For a Reader also broadened my horizon, it made me realize many things. I learned that even though I have tons of great research some of it will not be necessary for my final product. In order to have a great final project I have to me able to let go of some data that might not be needed. Lastly, after reading Nicole's final draft earlier in the week I realized that the conclusion is where it all truly comes together. In Nicole's final essay after reading her conclusion it was evident that all the data she wrote about was to support her conclusion, which was togetherness.

For my final field work project I plan on taking all the step necessary to tie all of the different components together. I thought that it was going to very easy to make everything flow and work together. However after doing all of the readings this week it is going to take a lot of revision to get my paper right. I feel that "tweaking"  each of my papers is going to make them even stronger for the overall conclusion of my paper.

Here is a website I found that can be used as a checklist while revising your paper.

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