Friday, March 25, 2011

Bolwing Interview

In Nicole's essay about the Hanover Bowladrome she started it off by giving a brief history about bowling. Then Nicole gives us an inside look at the staff and customers at the bowling alley. I thought that the flow of this paper went along very well with the two previous essays we had read. The thing I found most interesting about this essay was that it was more than just an interview. The descriptions once again made everything crystal clear. I could not believe that some of the women bowling in the league had been doing it for over 20 year. I was surprised that it was not competitive unlike the men's league.

I was not expecting this interview paper to go into as much detail as the other papers. However I still managed  to find out about how carol her kids love to bowl and they have birthday parties at the bowling alley each year. Also, that bowling runs in the family. This bowling alley is very family oriented.

After reading this essay I got a very good idea of how my paper is going to shape up. At the Abington Police Station I am not sure how I am going to split up my interviews. I will definitely interview some of the officers. However every time I have been in the station everyone is soft spoken so it will be hard to get my  annotated information. I cannot wait to dig deeper into the inside of the Abington Police Station.

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