Thursday, January 27, 2011

Iresearcher kickin' it at the blowling alley

After reading Iresearcher all I can say is that I want to go bowling right now. I thought this was a great introduction into the topic of the paper. I enjoyed the well integrated personal aspect of the paper while at the same time introducing each of the topic that was going to be discussed. It was not overwhelming, I thought each topic of research was casually introduced. Sometimes, when I read a paper the introduction can be congested with a lot of information squeezed into it, this was not the case. The sensory details were very good. A particular image that I had stuck in my head was the strobe lights and fog in the bowling alley while the music blasted on a Saturday night. Also, every time i go to a bowling alley I always wonder what it is like behind the lanes, how does the machine that resets the pins work? How does the ball return machine work? Each research topic introduced had me hooked I want to find out what it is like to be an insider of a bowling alley.

Writing II

For my first semester at Bridgewater State University we made blogs to express how we felt about previous readings in my English 101 class. As the semester was coming to an end, I decided to pick Nicole as my Professor again. So, now for my second semester this blog will reflect my work in English 102. I think it will primarily be about components that will make up my ethnography. At the end of the semester there will be a link to my website posted, so stay tuned to see a really cool ethnography coming soon!